This is me
All-in on Computer Science.
Currently studying in Heidelberg.
Curriculum Vitae
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
President of Heidelberg's Academic Investment Club
Sustainable asset management affects each and every one of us. Democratization of knowledge is my mission at Heidelbergs Academic Investment Club (Initiative Wertpapier Heidelberg e.V.). Prestigious partnerships, such as Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank, help us thrive better together.
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Student at Heidelberg University
Heidelberg is a lovely city! I'm studying computer science and shooting my shot for the master's degree.
Niedersachsen, Germany
I have years of experience with game development, programming efficient algorithms and advanced data analysis tools. Dozens of clients from all over the world have already valued my service. I accept new orders on personal request.
Hamburg, Germany
Student at Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium
As elected representative, I contributed to keeping our school community together, volunteered to organize fundraisers, and successfully balanced the interest of teachers and students. My degree is at A-level and my achievements got honored with the MINT-EC certificate at highest achievable tier (excellence).